memories imprint on our experience of time on earth.

we’ve all been thinking about and talking about and missing and feeling miss Ella Bella B-Girl for the last little while.

our particles never disappear – they just recirculate.

march 16.2020

on our walk yesterday we lay down in the sun in a field and schnuggled. Ella went and sat halfway up a little hill saying ‘let’s keep going’ so we did. we haven’t been on a big walk since she was diagnosed with the heart failure so it was cool that she lead the show. we walked to the waterfall and i sat and watched the water flow, Sooqi and Ella played and explored and came back for pats then played and explored some more. like kids. they probably followed the trail up to my hunting cache which they helped build with Sooqi’s dog boyfriend Commode. when my butt got cold i got up and called them and started heading home. when i was back out in the field they came running. big smiles on their faces. all evening they schnuggled and did a mix of sleeping and going outside to bark at stuff. it was a perfect day.

at night Ella went out a second time before bed. she was barking at stuff. we went upstairs, got into bed, and i schnuggled her face to face so we could see each other. we stayed like that kinda falling asleep with the lights on. and she took 2 last breaths and died.


i hope i have a peaceful death in the arms of the human i love after having a perfect day.

i’m really sad. but so glad she had such a perfect day. and such a happy good dog life.

bye baby girl.

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